Master Financial Services Corp
Financial ServicesInsurance
- #1- 631 Blenkin Avenue Parksville BC V9P-2Z4
- 250-390-3331
- 1-877-332-8383
- Send Email
- www.elderplan.ca; www.chamberpension.ca/nanaimo
Normal business hours. Weekend/evening by arrangement home-office 250 390-3331 jaj@telus.net
Driving Directions:
North Nanaimo near Woodgrove. Go to Island Hwy & Dickinson, North on Dickinson to Dover, right on Dover. Home office 6606 Dover Rd, corner Harrier & Dover..
About Us
Julia Jenkins, EPC: Since 1987 Financial advisor, wills/estates/pension planning for incorporated professionals and small business owners. Seminar coordinator for Personal Pension Plan education. Specialize in family dynamics and personal interests relating to family owned businesses. Licenses: Life & disability insurance; Experience, former branch manager Victoria financial services firm & former real estate company owner. Lifelong Islander 3 sons 6 grandchildren 6 great-grandchildren. Not too busy to care.
Pleased to be appointed by the Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce as Chamber Pension Representative. www.chamberpension.ca/nanaimo for details of plan, designed for incorporated business owners and professionals. Service providers to the Chamber Personal Pension Plan include my company Master Financial Services Corp.; Integris Pension Management Corp., with CEO and tax lawyer Jean-Pierre Laporte, LL.B, MA. www.integris-mgt.com.; pension asset managers PI Financial Corp., Victoria office, second largest independent financial brokers in Canada. Portfolio managers Steve Bokor CFA & Ian Clark www.oceanwealth.ca www.pifinancialcorp.com . Quoting Jean-Pierre: ''The PPP is the most effective tax saving solution for Canadian corporate tax payers. It generates the highest level of wealth for owners and their families. The PPP eclipses all other retirement saving accounts, including TFSA, RRSP & RRIF.'' No business with a future can be without the Chamber Personal Pension Plan. It is a privilege and a pleasure to serve the Chamber.

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