The 8 Responsibilities of a Board- Governance Virtual Training Session
The 8 Responsibilities of a Board- Facilitated by Deb McLelland, On Board Training

Where do we draw the line between governing and operations? What are the areas that the board is responsible for? How do we know if we are governing our organization effectively?
During this inspiring course, Deb provides the answers to all your questions in board governance. This session serves as both an orientation to good governance as well as a refresher for those who have previously received governance training.
8:45 am – Zoom opens
9:00 am – Introductions & Module 1
10:30 am – Break
10:45 am – Module 2
12:15 pm – Lunch Break
12:45 pm – Module 3
3:00 pm – Closing remarks
Zoom invitation with attached workbooks provided as we get closer to May 12th.
Date and Time
Monday May 12, 2025
8:45 AM - 3:00 PM PDT
Via Zoom
Register Now for the online session
Non Profits: $49.99
Chamber Members: $79.99
Non-Members: $99.99
Contact Information
Kimberely Plumley
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